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Glorietta Elementary School

Glorietta Elementary School

Attendance Information



If your child is absent, please call Glorietta's 24-hour attendance reporting line so that our office staff can keep up-to-date records of student absences on a daily basis.  Reasons for absences must be provided within 5 days or are will be considered unexcused.
The 24-hour attendance reporting phone number is: tel: 925-258-6385 or email
Please leave the following information each day the child is absent:
  • Your child’s name, please spell the last name
  • Reason for absence and estimated length of absence
  • If you are uncertain regarding the number of days your child will be out please call the attendance line on a daily basis
  • Your name and your relationship to the student
Please use the direct attendance line to report your child’s absence.  Please do not just send an email to the classroom teacher or call the office main phone number. It is imperative that all absences are reported on the attendance line.
Parents are reminded of the financial impact that daily attendance has on the Orinda Union School District's budget.  The district loses $58 per day for a single student absence.  If every Glorietta student missed just one day per year, the district would lose $27,434.  The average student district wide misses five days during the school year which equals $137,170 in lost revenue annually due to Glorietta absences.  As you can see, attendance is an important financial consideration so please do your best to keep students in school; thank you!


If you know in advance that your child will miss at least five (5) and no more than ten (10) consecutive days of schoolplease contact the office at least 5 days before the absences to set up an Independent Study (IS) plan.


California Education Code Section 48260.5 mandates that schools notify parents/guardians when a student’s unexcused absences meet or exceed any combination of three (3) unexcused absences or excessive tardies (30 or more minutes) in one school year.
excused vs unexcused absences
California Education Code Section 48260.5 mandates that schools notify parents/guardians when a student’s unexcused absences meet or exceed any combination of three (3) unexcused absences or excessive tardies (30 or more minutes) in one school year.


Parents should use this form to request prior approval for one of the personal reasons listed below. When this form is completed and given to the school office in advance of a student’s absence, it becomes a written request that a student’s absence be marked excused. Parents/guardians should also notify their student's teacher about the planned absence at the same time that this form is submitted. Excused absences that do not need prior approval include personal illness, funeral services of an immediate family member, and medical appointments.
Prior Excusal Form