Character Education
With a commitment to social emotional learning , Glorietta's Gophers learn to respect themselves, others, and the environment; value differences, interact positively, and be a contributing member of our school community.
Our Gopher Code states:
Take care of yourself, Take care of each other, Take care of our community!
Take care of yourself, Take care of each other, Take care of our community!
The following are our current character and community building initiatives:
OUSD Character Ed Framework

Throughout the month, students learn about and apply the Trait of the Month. Students are acknowledged in their classrooms and at our monthly Character Trait Award Assembly for successfully demonstrating the essence of the trait.
In order to foster a sense of school spirit and community, many upper grade classes select a primary class as buddy class. Activities are planned by the teachers, which often involve the older buddy assisting the younger student in art, science, or creative writing project. It is a program, which promotes understanding between older and younger children and helps enhance self-esteem for both.
Students earn Gopher Golds for demonstrating the character traits and contributing to a caring school culture. Students take one copy home and the other is turned into the office. One classroom winner will be drawn and announced during the weekly Announcements and earns a classroom reward.
Selected fifth grade students will provide assistance during morning drop-off. After receiving training, Safety Patrol monitors will be assigned to a weekly AM shift, and will be responsible for greeting and guiding students as they arriving to school.
The Think First program is aligned with our instruction of character education that focuses on developing positive character traits in students. Students, grades K-5, participate in small group discussions to learn decision making skills. Students are given specific strategies for problem solving and dealing with empathy and anger. Fourth and fifth grade students are given additional information related to tobacco and alcohol abuse. The program is taught by trained parent docents or classroom teachers. Their instruction is based upon supplemental lessons developed by the publishers of Think First.
Note: Click HERE for the District flyer on Think First.