
Glorietta's music program includes both classroom and instrumental music instruction. Each class, kindergarten through fifth grade, has a half-hour music lesson weekly from the vocal music teacher, Ron Pickett. This includes instruction in note reading, rhythm, harmony, and music appreciation along with opportunities to experience the joy of singing. Our instrumental teacher, John Speers, offers optional instruction for brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments for fourth and fifth grade students, and directs our school band.
Performing for an audience is an important component of learning to sing and act. All of the students at Glorietta get the opportunity to perform for their teachers and parents at two concerts each year, the Holiday Concert and Spring Sing. Glorietta forth and fifth graders have two additional performance opportunities during the school year. They may participate in "ensemble" and/or the Spring Musical. Ensemble meets every Tuesday during lunch. The students learn and perfect a number of songs and harmonies and perform for the school and for the community.
The Spring Musical is a wonderful teaching and learning experience for students led by Town Hall Productions. Fourth and fifth grade students who choose to participate produce a full-length Broadway musical. Previous productions have included Annie, The Sound of Music, Annie Get Your Gun, Snoopy and Fiddler on the Roof. The technical crew is comprised of students. Exceptional Glorietta student musicians have been known to participate in the orchestra, with the balance of the musicians being talented (and dedicated!) parents or relatives of Glorietta students. This is a great opportunity for students to explore their dramatic abilities.