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Glorietta Elementary School

Glorietta Elementary School




Glorietta Kindergartners enjoy a rich, language-based interdisciplinary curriculum. Each day they build phonemic awareness skills, blending sounds into words and word into sentences. Small group language arts lessons combined with guided reading groups provide the explicit instruction needed to create strong readers and writers. Circle time develops oral language and community building each day.

OUSD observes an Early Bird/Late Bird schedule for Kindergartners during which small group and targeted, individual instruction is provided for reading and writing. Kindergartners are reading leveled reading materials in addition to the Houghton Mifflin language arts adoption materials and participate in Writer’s Workshop.

Mathematics instruction is using the new Houghton Mifflin math adoption materials. These materials include manipulatives for guided practice. The focus is on emphasized standards for numeral recognition, one-to-one correspondence, patterning, sorting, measurement, and addition and subtraction through ten. Circle time provides daily practice in calendar activities to build recognition of daily activities involving time measurement by the hour, day, week, month and year.

Science is inquiry-based employing FOSS (Full Option Science System) kits for themes including plants, animals, trees, wood and weather. Social Science introduces students to national symbols and historic figures through rich literature.

Socially, kindergartners work each day to develop into independent students through work and play. Character Education and Big Buddy programs include kindergartners in the larger school community.

Enrichment includes 30 minutes of music instruction weekly with our music teacher, as well as a regular visit to our school library and computer lab as well.